a conversation with LEADAPRON
I think at root they (my careers) are all attempts to express myself through a discipline and to understand something about what it means ...
Wendy White on Freunde Von Freunden
I'm thrilled to be contributing to the Berlin based magazine, Freunde von Freunden for their 100th interview, featuring NY artist, Wend...
a conversation with Bec Brittain
... " The growth of crystals in entirely compelling to me – growth in a non-living thing is absolutely amazing! Moreover, it...
Rose Tarlow
. “(she) balances emotion and intellect as well as any designer now living … her rooms [combine] sensual pleasures with geometric rigor , ...
A conversation with Peter Klick
Since basements usually have only a few windows, if any, they are great spaces to design. As if to design in a shoe box… " - Peter Kli...
a conversation with Troy Seidman: Caviar 20
... "During the 70's there was a lot of design activity that clarified some of the tenets of modernism and anticipated minimalis...