into the still waters. (sometimes I see)
1930 vs 2012
Sometimes I See: Larcier
1. Jean Mayodon urns, pair France, c. 1930 ceramic, bronze. (here)
"A ceramist with a painter’s mind, highly inspired with hindu arts, he produced a figurative decorated pottery, after antique tradition, characterized by the practice of stanniferous earthenware with "golden fire". He made gigantic works (decorative pannels, sculptures, fountains, fire-places) of perfect quality. He fitted his own ovens and improved his knowledge in chemistry in order to achieve oxide-coloured pieces, interspersed with a gold pattern giving it a precious aspect. He got many official orders and his qualities led him to assume the artistic leadership of the Manufacture of Sèvre in 1941, after having been its artistic counsellor in 1934."
(text from here)
2. New work by Brion Nuda Rosch. These works are the starting point for a trio of exhibitions slated to open this Spring. A two person exhibit in Lisbon, a solo exhibition in Seattle and a solo project in Copenhagen.
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